Archery News, Reports, & Events
The Wintergreen Sporting Club archery group practices with recurve and compound bows. Loaner equipment is available and volunteers offer coaching to those new to the sport. During its spring-through-fall season the group meets weekly at a six-lane archery range next to the Wintergreen Property Owners Association tennis court and swimming pool complex at Rodes Farm, and bimonthly at a eight-station field archery range on five wooded acres of WPOA property at the end of Old Stoney Creek Road, where a club-installed picnic table welcomes all. Volunteers in the WSC archery group maintain both venues, which have room for expansion.
This year the WSC archery group will continue its regular sessions at its two archery ranges.
This year the WSC archery group will continue its regular sessions at its two archery ranges.
2023 marked the 10th Anniversary of the WSC.
Wintergreen Sporting Club’s John Morgan is now a Level 3 archery coach having attended classes and passed the tests with USA Archery in 2023.
We have some ideas about restructuring our 2023 archery sessions at the Jerry Rendich Range at Rodes Farm that we want to run by our archers.
This has been the club's most successful archery season in many years.
As recognition for his dedication and professionalism, the archery group presents John with this black keepsake box at the fall 2022 WSC annual meeting. The inscription reads “In appreciation, John Morgan, Wintergreen Sporting Club, Archery Instructor, 2022.”
The Wintergreen Sporting Club archery group had spectacular weather for its end-of-season archery tournament at Rodes Farm on November 1st. The competition was highly spirited.
With the help (again) of Wintergreen Property Owners Association’s Dennis Inscoe and three WSC archery volunteers, the Rodes Farm archery backstop has been extended upward by four feet using two layers of black heavy-duty debris netting with knitted polyethylene threads.
The annual preseason survey of the Wintergreen Sporting Club’s field range in the mountains at the very end of Old Stoney Creek Road revealed that the repairs needed this year was fairly typical. The targets didn’t appear to have attracted the attention of any playful bears this winter and the heavy snow did less damage than might have been expected.
In 2022 the WSC archery sessions at Rodes Farm Archery Range will again be on Tuesday mornings from 9 am to 11 am. At the field range at the end of Old Stoney Creek Road, sessions will again be on alternating Sunday afternoons from 2 pm to 4 pm. (The times may change later on in the season; check the archery emails for updates.) The WSC Archery Achievement Awards program will return to Rodes Farm. WSC member John Morgan, a certified Level 2 archery instructor, will continue offering instruction this season. Here are the details:
Wintergreen Sporting Club's John Morgan is now a Level 2 archery instructor having attended the classes and passed the tests with USA Archery in 2021.
Mother Nature has reminded us that it's difficult to shoot well with numb fingers. The Wintergreen Sporting Club archery group has ended the 2021 archery season at the Jerry Rendich Archery Range at Rodes Farm and the Field Trail at the end of Old Stoney Creek Road. The Rodes Farm range remains open, of course, 24/7.