Archery 2020 – Year End Report
/Despite a virus-shortened late start, the 2020 season of the Wintergreen Sporting Club archery group was very productive. We began weekly practice at the Jerry Rendich Archery Range at Rodes Farm on July 7 and ended with a work session at the field trail at the end of Old Stoney Creek Road on November 22.
Spearheaded by a core group of eight archers—Certified Archery Instructor John Morgan, Co-Leads Dave Proctor and Mike Capps, Stu Harvey, Robin Pullen, Keith Smith, Charles Batchelor, and Lenlee Corish—we met at both venues 29 separate times with a total attendance of 152. Our average was 5.2 (hard to picture), but on 3 occasions at Rodes Farm we had 10 in attendance. We were rained out four times.
John Morgan, WSC’s Certified Archery INstructor, obtained additional credentials this year.
This was our best season to date for community outreach. Archery coaches John Morgan, Dave Proctor and Charles Batchelor introduced eight young adults of varying ages, and an additional ten adults, to the basics of the sport. Several have since purchased archery equipment and returned for regular practice sessions.
To further hone their archery skills, Charles Batchelor and Stu Harvey set up home archery ranges. The wooden archery stands custom-designed by John Tani were caulked and weather-sealed by Charles and Mary Anne Batchelor. A fallen 10-yard sign at Rodes Farm was repaired and reinstalled by Robin Pullen and Ron Cote. Charles, Dave, John, Robin, Ron, and others helped maintain the field trail by chainsawing fallen trees, lopping branches, leaf blowing the path, and rehanging fallen target bags.
Many thanks to all participants for your enthusiasm and persistence. See you next season!– Mike Capps, Archery Co-Lead