Minutes: Wintergreen Sporting Club Spring Business Meeting 2022

Wintergreen Sporting Club Spring Business Meeting Minutes - April 2, 2022

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by President Don Klingemann at 5:16 PM

Secretary: Robin Pullen
- The minutes of the October 2021 meeting had been previously posted to the website and the membership was reminded to read them before this meeting. There were no additions or corrections. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. All present were in favor. The minutes were accepted as posted.

Treasurer: Jerry Gress
- There are currently 239 paid members of the club vs last year we had 206. There are about 50 people who were members in 2021 who did not renew their membership so the change is essentially 80+ new members. There are about 541 subscribers to the club’s emails.

- The bank balance is $8154.89. The year started with $8990.16 For the fall trout stocking, $4420 was donated with $2452 being spent on fish, $180 for food and $104 for Stripe fees. Stripe is how payments are accepted when paying online. Archery requested $2008 for new targets for the Rodes Farm range and the request was approved. The receipts submitted so far for dinner tonight total $1419 with sales of $920 minus Stripe fees. Jerry will review the treasury books with anyone that wishes to see them. Those wanting an WSC membership card should contact Jerry directly.

President Don asked new members to please stand and introduce themselves to the membership.

By-Laws: Don K

- A proposed draft of amendments to the By-Laws had been previously emailed to the membership. It was established that a quorum was present.

- Don Klingemann recommended creating a Vice President position. It was recommended the candidate needs to be a member of the sporting club for 24 months and have/has been a lead of an interest group.

- Discussion ensued concerning the qualification for the vice president office specifically being the lead of an interest group. Charles Batchelor recommended dropping 12A, section D – the

requirement to be a group lead as this created a limitation for possible candidates.

- Jim White was against dropping the requirement that president and vice president must be a prior or current group lead.

- Chris Corish commented that the clause would limit the selection to a smaller group of people.

- Jerry Gress agreed with Charles.

- Elliott Dworin made a motion that the candidates need to be a member of the WSC for 2 years and a participant in and have demonstrated leadership in an interest group and WSC supported activities for 12 months. Jim White seconded the motion. The majority of present membership voted for this clause. There were two opposed. The motion passed.

- Jim White was elected Vice President by acclimation.

- It was recommended to add “not limited to” to Article VI, item1, when

referring to the current 5 groups making up the Sporting Club.

- It was recommended that the BOD be made up of the four elected officers and one member of each interest group. Only the elected officers would have a vote. This proposal was accepted through a motion and approved by the members present.

Interest Group Reports

Archery – Archery Instructor John Morgan reported for Group Lead Mike Capps

- The club paid for new targets for the Rodes Farm practice range.

- Charles Batchelor was thanked for his help involving WPOA in the effort to install the new targets. WPOA maintenance staff reinforced the previous framework and positioned the targets.

- This very day there was an open special event to introduce newcomers to archery. Twenty people attended.

- Tuesday May 5th will be the start of the regular season and it will include more educational/training sessions.

- The official Achievement Program will continue with the use of score sheets. Eleven archers participated last season. After the scheduled practice session, the coaching session for beginners will start.

- The Field Range after winter clean-up is complete. There will be Sunday afternoon sessions twice a month. The field range is a rugged course and there will be no scheduled instruction on these sessions. Sturdy footwear is recommended.

Biking – Chris Corish reported for lead Tim Jordan

- There are four types of rides: short, long, overnight, and sponsored.

- Short rides are less than a half day, i.e.: Piney River, Lynchburg, Rockfish River, High Bridge in Farmville.

- Long rides are full day. Examples include Tim’s favorite the Jackson River Trail and Middlebrook.

- Overnight rides include: Capital Trail, Harper’s Ferry, Greenbrier Trail

in West Virginia, New River Bike Trail in Draper VA.

- Sponsored rides include: Lynchburg Storming Thunder Ridge on May 22nd , and Wilderness Ride on May 28th . Contact Tim or Mike Friedlein for more details.

- A biker’s picnic will be planned over the summer.

- Access to the storage shed for bikes at Tuckahoe Clubhouse is for Wintergreen Sporting Club cycling members only. Please email Tim if you have a bike in there. Unauthorized bikes will be removed.

- Emails will be sent listing the many rides planned for over the summer.

Boating – Ron Cote, interim lead

- There is no current lead for boating, Ron is filling in until someone will step up to take over the lead.

- Rivanna River trip will be May 26th, for both kayaks and canoes. Cost will be $50 and will last about 4 hours. There will be a guide out front and a sweep behind to offer help should it be needed.

- Additional trips will be added over the summer and email announcements will be sent for sign up.

Fishing: Co-leads Chris Corish, Ron Cote

- There are 4 co-leads: Chris Corish, Ron Cote, Marty Echols, Jerry Gress, Lessons:

- There are several experienced Fly-Fishing instructors including: John Tani, Al Simpson, Mike Fisher, Tim Hess, Bruce Henderson that will be giving lessons. Last fall there were 6 lessons, and there will be three outdoor lessons in April. All spring 2022 lessons are full. More outside lessons may be added.

Fishing Conclaves:

- Conclaves: there is a plan to have 8 this year. The first will be in April hosted by the Corish’s, appetizers will be gratefully accepted.

- Additionally, there will be conclaves at various venues through October with an extra December Holiday Party.

- If you would like to host a conclave in your home let Chris know.

- Occasionally speakers will be invited to discuss relevant and local fishing topics. There will be consideration to shifting conclaves to weekends to accommodate working people and weekenders. Please volunteer if you are willing to host a conclave at your house.


- Last fall donations were sought for a fall stocking for winter fishing. It was successful and the Trout Pond and Lost Pond were stocked.

- The lost pond trout survived so about 200 more were added with the spring stocking. Three hundred plus were added to the Trout Pond.

- Currently those fishing Trout Pond can keep two. Best to check the website for up-to-date rules on creel limits.


- April 30th is the Trout Pond fishing Tournament which is open to all of Wintergreen. There will be 3 categories: less than 12 years old, 12 to 17 years old, and adult. All caught fish will be kept. Children need to land the fish but adults can load the bait. Details will be out in an email soon.

- In the fall there will be a Bass Fishing Tournament in October. It will be open to all fisher persons with no fees.

Shooting: Coleads: Ron Cote, Jerry Gress, James White

Shotgun: Jerry Gress

- There are 250 subscribers with 90 being members of the club and about 9 regulars.

- Weekly Friday shoots at Rivanna for trap with occasional trips to Flying Rabbit.

- There was an ammo shortage for a while and now the prices have doubled on a box of ammunition.

- Jerry and others are willing to teach anyone who wants to learn.

Rifle and Pistol: Jim White

- One year ago, there was about 7 regulars and now there are 15 consistent participants.

- They shoot every Monday morning meeting at the golf course parking lot at 9 AM.

- The group is alternating between pistol and rifle every Monday.

- There is a self-challenge Achievement Program that began last season.

- New this year, there will be a Defensive Pistol Challenge. The shooter must pick up a pistol, load it while moving behind cover and shooting two bullseyes, reloading, moving to the opposite side of cover and shooting another two bullseyes all in 12 seconds. The final stage involves facing away from three different color targets, turning completely around, drawing from a holster and hitting the color target designated by the range master in less than 3 seconds.

- At the last meeting there were three (3) Distinguished Expert Achievement pins awarded. These experts were hitting the bullseye 85% of the time, shooting with either hand and zero misses. Tonight, Bill Fitzpatrick is receiving his Distinguished Expert reward.

Final Words from the Secretary: Robin Pullen

- Thanks to all those that made this evening possible: Dianne and Don Klingemann, Ron Cote, Lenlee and Chris Corish, Tim and Lynne Hess, Donna and David Crabtree, Alice Karrh.

- Caterer is Shady’s Place and the menu is: Fried Chicken, Mac and Cheese, Green beans, Corn, Broccoli salad, Deviled eggs, Strawberry shortcake.

- Wine, beer and cider is being provided.

- Utensil basin and recycle containers are provided.

- Sporting Club hats are for sale, bandanas are free.

- You may sign up for the Orange WPOA fishing permits tonight.

- I would like to get the notes from all the speakers tonight.

- Please notify Robin of any spills on carpeting.

- Please send any pictures from tonight’s dinner meeting to Charles Batchelor.

- There is going to be a Summer Social, with dates and specifics to be decided.

Adjournment: 6:13 PM by President Don Klingemann

Respectfully submitted,

Robin Pullen, WSC Secretary