2025 Pistol and Rifle Schedule
/All sessions on Monday, unless indicated. The schedule is tentative, check your email for changes. Questions? Email firearms@wtgsportingclub.org
MAR 24 Indoor Pistol Practice
MAR 31 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
APR 7 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
APR 14 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
APR 21 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
APR 28 Rimfire Challenge
MAY 5 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
MAY 12 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
MAY 19 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
MAY 26 Holiday- no shooting
JUN 2 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
JUN 9 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
JUN 16 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
JUN 23 Rimfire Challenge
JUN 30 Military & Black Powder Rifles
JUL 7 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
JUL 14 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
JUL 21 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
JUL 28 Rimfire Challenge
AUG 4 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
AUG 11 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
AUG 18 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
AUG 25 Rimfire Challenge
SEP 1 Holiday
SEP 8 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
SEP 15 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
SEP 22 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
SEP 29 Military & Black Powder Rifles
OCT 6 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
OCT 13 Holiday
OCT 20 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
OCT 27 Plinking- Pistol & Rifle
NOV 3 Bullseye Pistol Shooting
NOV 10 Holiday
NOV 17 Rifle- 50 & 100 yards
NOV 24 Rimfire-weather dependent
The WSC Pistol & Rifle Group held a conclave at Bold Rock Cidery in March and concluded that members wanted to continue with a more diverse approach to shooting with a variety of shooting types. In addition to shooting rifles at 50 & 100 yards, plinking with pistols and rifles at steel targets, and bullseye timed pistol shooting, we will be adding a rimfire challenge shooting at steel targets at various distances while changing shooting stations on a timed and scored basis.
Twice this season we will be shooting military rifles as well as black powder muskets and rifles including learning to load using powder loads, bullets and ramrods. For military rifles we will be shooting M-1 Garrand, M-1 Carbine, AR-15, and several foreign rifles including an AK-47 semi-automatic. WSC Members will be allowed to shoot every one of these firearms until the ammo runs out or your shoulder says stop.
We have purchased some steel targets that hang from a rack and can be set up independently of range and distance. We have 4”, 6”, and 8” size targets which ring like a gong when hit.
New shooters are welcome. All new to the program receive a safety and range rules orientation before shooting.
We will continue to meet in the parking lot of the Stoney Creek Pro Shop at 9am each Monday morning, and carpool to the range. Most shooters gather at a local brewery or restaurant without firearms for lunch to listen to tall tales about experiences.
New shooters are welcome and will receive a safety and range rules orientation prior to shooting.
*The Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club is located in Albemarle County, just southwest of Charlottesville [map]. RRPC has indoor and outdoor ranges open only to RRPC members (several are WSC members) and a limited number of guests. WSC and RRPC are not affiliated. To shoot at RRPC you must be a member of RRPC or a guest of an RRPC member.
Co Leaders:
Jim White, Certified Firearms Instructor, email: shooting@wtgsportingclub.org
Ron Cote, Range Safety Leader, email: firearms@wtgsportingclub.org