Minutes: Wintergreen Sporting Club Fall Business Meeting November 4, 2022

Wintergreen Sporting Club, Fall Business Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2022

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice President James White at 5:15 PM

Secretary: Robin Pullen

The minutes of the April 2022 meeting had been previously posted to the web site and the membership was reminded to read them before this meeting. There were no additions or corrections. A motion was made by Sally Bryant and seconded by Hardi Karrh to accept the minutes. All present were in favor. The minutes were accepted as posted.

Treasurer: Jerry Gress

- There are currently 295 paid members of the club vs at the spring meeting we had 238.

- There are about 590 subscribers to the club’s emails.

- The bank balance is $8365.54. The year started with $9203.06.

- Income from dues: $4550.

- Spring dinner ticket sales: $980, with a cost to club of $1419.

- This Fall dinner, ticket sales: $1050 with a cost of about $2K.

- Summer Social costs (there were 3): $753.

- Boating: 2 trips with ticket sales of $1540, with cost to club of $2227.

- Fishing: Trout donations of $5K, Trout Tourney entrance fee $159

- Fall stocking costs $3K

- Spring stocking cost $1250 in additions to the WPOA contribution of $1250

- Fish food $261

- Conclaves/tourney refreshments $527

- Tourney prizes $666

- Archery: Tournament Social $81

- Biking: Picnic $473

- Shooting (pistol and rifle): targets and ammo $739, Conclave $324

- Shooting (shotgun): included with above

- Admin fees: total $958 = some of the fees include: MailChimp $202, website $312, Stripe $295, PO box rental $70, Yard sale fee $10, to name some of the major expenses.

- Jerry said he will review the treasury books with anyone that wishes. - If you would like a membership card, please contact Jerry directly.

- A motion was made by Steve Schwartz to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by Tim Merrick. All present were in favor. The treasurer’s report was approved.


Jim asked new members to please stand and introduce themselves to the membership. This included Ed Stover, Jim Dunaye, Steve Schwartz, Lynne Stockton.

Election of Treasurer: The election committee asked Jerry Gress if he would be willing to stay on as Treasurer for another term and he agreed. A motion was called for to elected Jerry Gress as Treasurer by acclimation. Bill Martin made the motion and Cheryl Kauzlarich seconded the motion. All present were in favor.

Interest Group Reports

Archery – Lead Mike Capps

- This has been the most successful year.

- 22 experienced archery – 13 men and 9 women.

- Met 34 times at Rodes Farm.

- Met 9 Sunday afternoons at Field Range.

- The Field Range “after winter” clean-up was completed. The field range is a rugged course and there will be no scheduled instruction on the days we shoot there. Sturdy footwear is recommended.

- The six target bags at Rodes Farm were replaced using club funds. The new framework was donated and performed by WPOA along with netting to extend the backstop.

- The voluntary Archery Achievement Awards Program has been highly successful. Mark Gomersall is the only 7-star recipient.

- November 1st was the end-of-season tournament and potluck lunch. The website details the winners.

- John Morgan was awarded a black Keepsake box with an inscription titled “In appreciation, John Morgan, Wintergreen Sporting Club, Archery Instructor, 2022.” This was presented to John for all his dedication and enthusiastic efforts devoted to the archery club and the many members and would-be members.

Biking – Lead Tim Jordan

- There are 148 members signed up for the biking group. But less than 5% join in on the rides at any one time.

- For the Patty Browne Picnic Ride, 36 members attended and began and ended at the Tuckahoe Club House for a picnic catered by Shady’s and sponsored by the Club. o, it appears that food is an important component of getting members to join the rides!

- There were 17 rides over 26 weeks. The rides were on Fridays. But next year there will be a few weekdays bike rides.

- Bikes stored in the WSC shed at Tuckahoe Clubhouse must be removed by November 11th. In the spring an updated Shed Storage Agreement will be required for those who want to store their bike.

Boating – Ron Cote, interim lead

- There is no current lead for boating, Ron is filling in until someone will step up to take over the lead. Anyone wishing to volunteer can contact Ron.

- There were two organized thrips through outfitters. Rivanna River Company and the Upper James River after the dam was released. All 20 spaces were filled. There was a lead guide and an outfitter provided chaser.

- These trips were subsidized by the club.

- Next year there will be 3 or 4 trips planned.

Fishing: Co-leads Chris Corish, Ron Cote

- There are four co-leads: Chris Corish, Ron Cote, Marty Echols, Jerry Gress


- There are several experienced Fly-Fishing instructors including: John Tani, Al Simpson, Mike Fisher, Tim Hess, Bruce Henderson that have been giving lessons.

- John Tani and Bruce Henderson teach the beginner classes. Al Simpson and Tim Hess teach the intermediate classes.

- The indoor classes are taught by Al Simpson and Mike Fisher.

- There is a possibility of a small group/individual fly-fishing lessons with our resident instructors over the winter.

- Group lessons will resume in March 2023.


- Conclaves have been nicknamed “Rolling Cocktail Parties”.

- Conclaves: there were several planned this year. The first was in

April hosted by the Corish’s, appetizers were gratefully accepted and

the club supplied the drinks.

- The Keenans hosted one at their house. Tim Hess was grill master when the club hosted a conclave at Tuckahoe with speakers from Virginia Commonwealth University, that spoke on the VA Healthy Waters Program, part of the Heritage Group supported by the VA Dept of Natural Resources.

- There were conclaves at various area venues through October.

- At Blue Mountain Brewery, Jake Billmyer from Orvis Stonefield spoke about fly fishing for smallmouth bass in local rivers.

- If you would like to host a conclave in your home let Chris Corish know. - The conclaves are successful in getting people out to socialize, but they are a lot of work especially if they are hosted at someone’s house. Volunteers are being sought to help set up the conclaves.

Ethan Lindbloom has agreed to work with Chris organizing the conclaves. Ethan will lead the March 2023 conclave and secure a speaker from a fly shop, Counter Culture, in Richmond, in which he has ownership. The speaker will talk about fly fishing for shad and stripers on the James River south of Richmond.

- The last conclave for the year will be club-wide event. It will be December 8 th at Blue Mountain. We may be in a room in the old brewery. The club will pay for appetizers and attendees will buy their own drinks.

Once the plans are firmed up an email will be sent to all members with the details.


- The fall stocking had been done using the donated money. 350 trout were put in the Trout Pond that were 14 to 20 inches long. They are being fed high protein and high fat food. Fishing will start on November 7th for catch and release only.

- A Virginia license is required from Department of Natural Resources as well as an orange WPOA fishing badge to fish the ponds in Wintergreen. For people 65 years of age or older the cost of a VA fishing license is $20 and it is good for life. This can be obtainied online.

- If you have a guest that wants to fish, you must also be present with your orange fishing pass for them to fish.

- Watch for emails and notices on the website with instructions for when to start fishing the Trout Pond and when rules and restrictions may change.

Fishing Tournaments:

- There were 3 tournaments this year: Spring Bass, Early summer, Trout, and a Fall Bass Tournament. The fall Bass Tourney was won by Joe McMoneagle with his 6-pound catch!! Second place was John Ellwood with a 1-pound catch.

Shooting: Coleads: Jerry Gress, James White

Shotgun: Jerry Gress

- There are 250 subscribers with 90 being members of the club and about 12 regulars.

- Weekly Friday shoots, rain or shine, at Rivanna for trap or wobble with occasional trips to Flying Rabbit.

- The regulars include: Corrine Morgan, Ed Dillingham, Renee Mecheski, Hardi Karrh, Mark Gomersall, Amelia McCully –

nicknamed “Annie Oakley”.

- Jerry and others are willing to teach anyone that wants to learn.

Rifle and Pistol: Jim White

- The group shoots every Monday morning, meeting at the golf course

parking lot at 9 AM to head to Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club.

- The group is alternating between pistol and rifle every Monday.

- Two years ago, we introduced the WSC Handgun Shooting Challenge. After one season we awarded three (3) Distinguished Expert Achievement certificates and pins. Last Spring, we had one awardee. Tonight five (5) people are receiving the Distinguished Expert Awards: Joe McMoneagle, Ron Cote, Steve Schwartz, Dima Hughes and Ben Hughes. These experts were hitting the bullseye 85% of the time, shooting with either hand and zero misses.

- Last spring, we introduced two other challenges: The WSC Defensive Handgun Challenge and WSC Rifle Proficiency.

- In the Defensive Handgun Challenge, the shooter must pick up a pistol, load it while moving behind cover and shooting two bullseye, reloading, moving to the opposite side of cover and shooting another two bullseyes all in 12 seconds. The final stage involves facing away from three different color targets, turning completely around, drawing from a holster and hitting the color target designated by the range master in less than 3 seconds.

- Pistol times have shortened from 34 seconds to 12 seconds. The awards go to Tom Willis, Mark Gomersall, Joe McMoneagle, Bill Fitzpatrick, and Bill Faulkenberry.

- We are still working on the WSC Rifle Challenge.

- There will be a Winter Conclave before next season to decide what challenges this next season will hold.

Final Words from WSC Secretary: Robin Pullen

- Thanks to all those that came out to set up today: Donna Crabtree, Lenlee Corish, Corinne Morgan, Catherine Parker, Renee Mecheski, Dennis Bryant, Charles Batchelor, Ron Cote, Bill Fitzpatrick, Bill Faulkenberry, Mike Yurewicz, and Jim White. Please applaud them. Caterer is Sticks Kebob Place from C’ville. Menu includes: Chicken kebobs, rice, tomato and cucumber salad, sesame string beans, hummus and flat bread with 4 savory sauces. Dessert was homemade by Alice Karr, Key Lime Pie. Wine, beer and cider is being provided. Utensil basin and recycle containers are provided.

- Sporting Club hats are for sale.

- You may sign up for the orange WPOA fishing permits tonight.

- I would like to get the notes from all the speakers tonight.

- Please notify Robin of any spills on carpeting.

- Please send any pictures from tonight’s dinner meeting to Charles Batchelor or myself.

- The Social Committee is actively seeking more volunteers. Please notify one of the current members or myself.

- Volunteers are needed from each of the individual groups to set up a display and be present to answer perspective members questions on Saturday, November 12 th at the WPOA meeting at the Skyline Pavilion. Please notify Robin if you are available.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Chris Corish, seconded by Tim Merrick. Motion carried by James White. The meeting ended at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Robin Pullen, WSC Secretary