Stocking Trout Pond for Fall-Winter 2024-25

Donate to the 2024-25 Fall Trout Stocking

For four years now the stocking of large Rainbow trout in the Trout Pond in late Fall proved to be a great idea. Having a stocking in both the spring and fall allowed the community to enjoy great fishing for the better part of nine months a year.

We are going forward with plans to stock the Trout Pond again this year, assuming the fishing community will again come through with donations as they have in the past.

Our volunteers feed the newly stocked fish with high-protein food throughout the winter to ensure a healthy population has proved themselves to be competent and reliable. We need donations to pay for a November stocking and the food for the trout.

No funds from the WSC treasury or from WPOA are to be used for the fall stocking; this remains a 100 percent free-will community-funding effort. The goal is to raise at least $3,500 for this proven program. Fishing the stocked trout pond is open to all Wintergreen property owners.

If you can help, please click on the donate button below. Question? Email you can help, please click on the DONATE button above. Question? Email