Minutes - Wintergreen Sporting Club Spring 2018 Membership Business/Dinner Meeting
/Wintergreen Sporting Club Spring 2018 Membership Business/Dinner Meeting - Saturday, April 7, 2024
Meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Treasurer Bruce Henderson. Secretary Robin Pullen was other board member in attendance. Bruce started the meeting by discussing the loss of Jerry Rendich and his accomplishments and dedication to the sporting club. Robin Pullen gave a summary of the minutes from the spring 2018 meeting. A motion was made a seconded to accept the minutes as presented.
Treasurer report – accepted as presented
At that time, there were 197 dues-paying members. Treasury balance on that night prior to paying dinner expenses was $7300. Dues have been consistent at $25 per year. Money is used every year for upkeep or purchase of equipment, marketing, to offset dinner costs, website management, stationery, membership cards, and business cards to name a few. Anyone that wants to view the banking ledger may do so. Membership cards were available to anyone that wants one.
Ron Cote recounted his interaction with Adipsy.
Bruce announced that candidates for the position of club president will be voted on at the fall meeting. Candidates were encouraged to submit their name to one of the board members.
Interest Group Reports:
Biking: co-lead Bob Browne
- Summary of the considered group rides during the May through October season.
- Stated that a helmet and road-worthy bike were necessary, along with a
recommended health checkup.
- Those members interested were encouraged to sign up for biking emails.
Shotgun: co-lead Charlie Schulte
- Announced that the schedule was being changed to the 2 nd and 4 th Thursdays of the month.
- Besides Flying Rabbit, the Goochland range was mentioned as an alternative site for skeet and trap shooting.
Archery: co-lead Mike Capps
- Announced the start day for range shooting at Rodes farm with a gathering time of 9:30 AM.
- Wednesday would be the new day of the week for group practice.
- Practice at the field range would be 1st and 3rd Sundays.
- A work day was planned at the field range to open the trails and repair any damage to the targets.
- It was stated that the WSC and WPOA boards were approached about renaming the Rodes Farm Archery Range to the Jerry Rendich Archery Range. Both boards agreed. A vote was asked of the membership to create a sign stating the above. A motion was made and seconded, with no discussion and a unanimous vote to do so. The sign would be presented to the Rendich family during the June tribute.
Pistol and Rifle: Ron Cote
- After a quiet winter, shooting would resume on the 1 st and 3 rd Mondays of the month at Rivanna or Hite Hallow.
- Safety requirements were listed.
- There were ongoing discussions with Liberty University about using their range once it is up and running.
- A mention was made of a non-WSC-sponsored NRA course offered by Jim White.
Boating: currently, no leader
- Anyone interested on being a lead or co-lead was encouraged to contact a board
Fishing: co-lead Bruce Henderson
- All the ponds in Stoney Creek have now been named. Their names, directions to and descriptions of entry points, and various conditions can now be found on the website.
- The habitats of the ponds were improved by sinking discarded Christmas trees.
- WPOA promised to send workers to improve access around the ponds.
- The trout pond was stocked in March.
- A reminder that orange tags issued by WPOA were necessary and must be worn
to fish at the ponds, and only one fish per day may be kept.
- The fishing conclaves would be starting up again one Monday a month at 4 PM
at Wild Wolf.
- A spring and fall Bass Fishing Tournament was planned.
- Members were encouraged to attend The South River Fly Shop Expo.
Special Interest: Doug Green
- Displayed a remote-controlled model sailboat. I encouraged anyone interested in being taught the art of boat building and radio control operation to come to Lake Monocan on April 10th.
Communication Director: Charles Batchelor
- Talked about the website and different features. Charles was complimented and thanked by Bruce for his efforts and creative talents in maintaining the website and being our MailChimp expert.
- The group leads were asked to provide Robin with their report notes.
- Robin should be given a list of any newly acquired inventory items.
- Non-members are required to sign a waiver of liability prior to participating in a group activity. Robin can provide a copy of the form. Forms are to be returned to Robin to be kept on file.
- Jeannie Proctor was thanked for the art work on the tables and walls.
- The dinner that night was catered by Wine De Vine Café.
- The people of the social committee were thanked for all their planning and work.
- Members were asked to help with the clean-up at the conclusion of the evening.
- The next meeting will be on October 27th, 2018. Caterer to be determined.
Meeting adjourned at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Robin Pullen WSC secretary