Minutes: Wintergreen Sporting Club 2024 Spring Meeting, April 13, 2024

Wintergreen Sporting Club 2024 Spring Meeting, April 13, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Jim White at 5:45 PM.

The minutes from the Fall 2023 meeting were previously posted on the website for review and comment. There were no additions or corrections. A motion was made and seconded to accepted the minutes as posted. There was unanimous approval.

-The club has 328 dues paying members (8 are life members). As of the fall meeting there were 361 members. At the spring meeting one year ago, there were 293 members.
-The subscribers to club emails are now 698.
-The bank balance on December 1, 2023 was $9,940.73.
-It is important to note that the Fall Trout Stocking is a self-sustaining project. In 2023, $6000 was donated, of which all was spent on trout and trout food. No club dues were used to pay for the Fall Stocking. The Spring Stocking is paid for jointly by WSC and WPOA.
-The bank balance as of today is $11,919.58. Income from 2024 dues is $7,015.
-Spring dinner tickets total $1390. Cost to date is $1995 of which the caterer cost is $1790. The price per member is subsidized by the club.
Group Budgets approved for 2024:
- Archery $855 – has spent $164.
- Biking $640 – has not spent any yet.
- Boating $640 – has not spent any yet.
- Fishing $4,697 – has spent $1,677.
- Shooting $1265 – has spent $414.
- Admin $800 – had spent $498.
- Social Committee – difficult to confirm a budget number – has spent $1,995.
- Total club budget is $8,897 with $4,798 spent so far
A motion was made and seconded to accept the treasurer’s report. There was
unanimous approval.

Executive officers – Jim recognized each of the officers and thanked them for their individual contributions to the club. Jim asked the new members of the club attending the meeting for the first time to stand and introduce themselves.

New Business:
Website: Each interest group now has their list of events posted on their page on the website. Go to each group page and click on the “Read More” arrow.
Budgets: At the board meeting to approve group budgets in February, an additional expense was added for a First Aid kit for each of the group leads to have available in case of an emergency.
Hiking Group: In the Board meeting on February 29 th , the WSC board voted to approve the creation of an addition to the WSC groups. Wayne and Mary Lou Mortimer have volunteered to co-lead the new group for hiking. They have extensive hiking experience. In the near future additional information and a schedule will be posted to the website.

Interest Group Reports:
Archery: Lead Mike Capps
- There are 322 email subscribers
- The season started on March 19th
- Practice at The Jerry Rendich Rodes Farm Range is every Tuesday starting at 9:30 AM for coaching and new beginners at the 10-yard mark and then moves back to 20 yards for more advanced archers.
- Twice monthly the Field Range at the end of Old Stoney Creek is open from 2 PM to 4 PM. The foot path is rough and is for experienced archers with sturdyfootwear only. There is no coaching at the field range.
- This year there will be monthly Saturday session at the practice range from 11 AM to 1 PM.
- The full 2024 season schedule is now listed on the website.
- There is coaching for anyone interested in archery and they have loaner equipment that can be used. John Morgan, our certified trainer, can help you pick the proper equipment for your personal circumstances.

Biking: Lead Tim Jordan
- There are 140 subscribers to the biking emails.
- The first ride of the season was Friday on the Piney River Trail for a 14-mile round trip.
- On the website, the proposed schedule through October is posted on the bikingpage. To participate in a ride, please email Tim so no one will be left at the trailhead on any of the rides.
- Details of the ride will be sent in a sign-up email prior to the ride that will give the location of parking, type of surface, length of ride, and gathering spot for post-ride libations.
- Tim is looking for a co-lead for the biking group to help with coordinating the rides and to attend some of the rides when Tim is not available. Please email Tim if you are interested.

Boating: Lead Bill Faulkenberry
- River trips can be tricky due to water levels. Too little makes the going difficult and too much turns class 2 rapids into class 3 rapids.
- Some considered local spots have launching issues.
- There will be a May/June river trip and then an August river trip.
- The hope is to get a launching site on Lake Monocan for some training sessions.
- Any trips will be posted on the website and emails will be sent out to those who subscribe to the interest group.

Fishing: Co-Leads Chris Corish, Ron Cote’
Fly Fishing Lessons: Chris
- There were 5 classes which ended as of April 12 th . Two beginner classes, two non-beginner classes and one indoor class. There was a total of 25 participants. 50% were weekend residents and ladies taking the classes.
- Chris thanked the instructors: John Tani and Bruce Henderson who teach the beginner hands-on classes; Tim Hess and Al Simpson teach the non-beginner classes.
Fishing Conclaves: Chris
- Last year there were 10 conclaves, but this year there will only be 6 as there will also be a few club wide socials this year.
- On March 26th there was a Happy Hour at Iron and Ale that was attend by 20 members.
- June 6th there is a hosted conclave at the home of Cecile and Dennis Ravenscroft.
- There will be a Donors Conclave at the home of Marty and Bonnie Echols for those people that donated to the Fall Trout Stocking.
- Chris is looking for a member to host a conclave at their home for the fall.
- Chris is looking for someone to help in co-leading the fishing conclaves. If you are interested, please contact him.
Stocking and Pond Management: Ron
- Due to the generous Fall Trout Stocking donations of $6,000, there was a Fall Trout stocking. The Spring Trout stocking is funded by the club dues and by WPOA.
- Jerry Gress heads up the feeding program.
- There have been reports of catching 6 and above pound trout.
- Currently you can catch and keep two trout, this changes during the season.
- Putting environmental enrichment structures in the pond will start up again to give the smaller feeder fish a place to hide and grow. A new electric motor has been purchased for the boat used to If you are interested in assisting with this
project let Ron know.
- There is currently money in the budget for a Water Analyzer for the purpose of maintaining a favorable environment for the trout and other fish. Seven members have agreed to volunteer to help with monitoring the ponds. If you are interested in being part of this team let Ron know.
Tournaments: Ron
- May 4th there will be a Trout Tournament where there are no limitations on type of rod or bait or how many you can keep. This is necessary before the trout start dying as the water temperature heats up. Besides the fun of being outside and catching fish there will be prizes. The rain date will be the following Saturday, the 11th.

Shooting: Co-leads Jim White and Ed Dillingham
Rifle and Pistol: Jim White
- The group met in February and concluded that the members wanted a more diverse approach to shooting with a variety of shooting types. - On the first Monday of the month the group uses pistols on the Bullseye pistol
range consisting of untimed, slow fire and rapid-fire pistol shooting (5 shots in 10 seconds).
- On the 2nd and 4th Mondays, it is rifles at 50 and 100 yards.
- The 3rd Monday of the month, is targeted at the steel range and plinking range.
- When there is a 5th Monday in the month, there will be special events. On April 29th it will be shooting military rifles at 50 and 100 yards.
- Currently the group is shooting at steel targets which hang from a rack and can be set up independent of range and distance. The diameters are: 4 inches, 6 inches and 8 inches. They start at 75 yards away and progress to 100 yards

Shotgun: Ed Dillingham
- There are 404 email subscribers to the shotgun group.
- The group meets on Friday mornings.
- Venues are Rivanna Rifle and Pistol or Flying Rabbit.
- At Rivanna the shoots are affectionately called the “Stevie Wonder Invitational”.
- There is one box of ammunition that is provided to new shooters.
- Anyone interested in trap or skeet shooting need to contact Jerry or Ed.

Secretary: Robin
- If you are proud of the club and enjoy the groups you actively participate in, then spread the word about the sporting club and what we have to offer. If you have a new neighbor or know of a new resident you can either let them know about the sporting club or you can contact Jim and let him know. We have business cards and flyers here tonight that you can take to have on hand. They are on the table with the hat sales and fishing badge sign-up.
- When you attend an event on property, wear your Wintergreen Sporting Club hat and when people ask talk to them and let them know we have a website where they can learn more about the club and the various interest groups.
- There will be another Tuckahoe open yard sale at which the sporting club will have 2 tables. The rules are if you have items to sell, you need to be there to sell it and you keep the money. An email will go out once the date is confirmed

- It has been suggested that the fall meeting will consist of a Treasurer’s report and elections if required. Therefore, the Leads have been asked to come up with a quarterly newsletter that will be shared with the membership.
- The fall meeting will be Saturday, October 19th.
- The resort hosts four events. Three would be of interest to the club Memorial Day: May 25, (12p-7p), Fourth of July: July 6 (12p-dark), Labor Day: August 31 (12p-7p)
It would be great if the Sporting Club had an informational table at these events. If you are interested in helping, Robin can supply you with the marketing material and other items for the table.

Social Committee: Robin
- We already have dates for planned social events for the coming year. Leads have been asked to not plan social events near any of the other club events.
Hosted conclave 6/6, Summer social 6/27, Fall dinner meeting 10/19, Winter social 12/12. Information on these events will be sent out in emails as the event nears.
- There will be “Flash Happy Hours” for the whole club during the months in the season that have no other events planned. They will be announced just a few days prior. Some may be at an off-property venue. When it is held at Tuckahoe on the patio or the hardscape area, bring your own refreshment and a snack to share

- The caterer tonight is Franklin Woodson’s Catering in Waynesboro. The menu is grilled chicken in mushroom sauce, seasonal veges and herbed potatoes. The salad was made by Alice Karrh. The dessert was made by several of the social committee ladies.
- All the volunteers that worked yesterday afternoon to set up the dining room were thanked, and especially Lenlee and her creative decorations.
- After several years of heading up the social committee Robin is stepping aside for someone else to take over the lead. Robin stated it was an honor to work with the truly amazing women and men that have helped her over the years and was grateful to every one of them.

Adjournment: 6.24 PM
Respectfully submitted
Robin Pullen, WSC Secretary