Minutes of the Fall 2024 Meeting of the Wintergreen Sporting Club, October 19, 2024

PDF of the 10/19/2024 WSC Minutes

Wintergreen Sporting Club
October 19, 2024 Fall Dinner Meeting Minutes 

The Fall meeting was called to order at 5:45pm by WSC President Jim White.

President’s Remarks: There have been more full-club activities this year than in any previous year, more group events, a record number of paid members, and we are financially stable. Therefore, the present position of the club is excellent.

The interest groups are the backbone of WSC and Wayne and Mary Lou Mortimer, have graciously stepped up to lead the new Hiking Group. Additionally, Mary Lou has agreed to be our replacement webmaster on a temporary basis.

I. Secretary’s Report:

The minutes from the Spring 2024 meeting were previously posted on the website for review and comment. There were no additions or corrections. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as posted. There was unanimous approval.

II. Treasurers Report: Jerry Gress


  • The club currently has 420 members.

  • As of the Fall 2023 dinner there were 348 members.

  • The number of current subscribers to WSC media is 811 which includes fifty-one who did not renew for the 2024 year membership year.


  • The fiscal year runs from December 1st to November 30th and the membership drive will run throughout November and messages will be forthcoming on that.

  • The bank balance at the start of the fiscal year (Dec 1, 2023) was $9,941.

  • The current balance is approximately $16,000.

  • Income from dues = $10,400.

  • Administrative Expenses were $763.00. These included Mailchimp, website hosting and Squarespace fees.

Social Events

  • The Spring Dinner ticket sales were $1,395 with costs of $2,514 mostly for food.

  • The Fall Dinner ticket sales were $1,470 with costs of $2,200.

  • Spring and Fall Dinners are heavily subsidized by the club.

  • The Christmas Party incurred $600.00 in costs and was free to all members.

  • The Summer Social incurred $500 in costs and was also free to all members.

Interest Group Budgets

Archery: The club spent $179 on new targets.

Boating: The club pays for extra guides at a cost of approximately $200 per trip. There was also an expense of $226 to purchase Bulkhead lumber for the bulkhead that WPO donated.

Fishing: The groups received $6,520 in donations for the Fall trout stocking. The stocking expenses are pending. Year to date expenses are $5,076 which includes the Spring stocking expenses of $1,2500, WPOA and we pay the other half.

Shooting (Pistol/Rifle): Targets and ammunition were purchased for a cost of $400.00.


  • Membership cards are available if anyone would like one. There are some companies listed on the back that may still offer discounts and if a member is interested in verifying the availability of these discounts, that would be appreciated.

  • WSC hats are $10.00 and are available during dinner.

A motion to accept the treasurers report was made, seconded, and approved by voice vote.

III. Introduction of New Members: All new members were asked to stand and introduce themselves and indicate which activity(s) they are interested in pursuing.

IV. Old Business:   

  • Changes were made to the web pages. There is a calendar for each interest group showing the events for each month.

  • A board meeting was held in February 2024. Each group lead presented a proposed budget which were approved. 

V. New Business:

Nominating Committee

  • Chris Corish reviewed the formal process for nominating members to board positions.

  • Eighteen months ago it was decided there should be a Vice President which Chris Corish now serves as.

  • It was decided that Board positions would be filled on a staggard basis where during odd numbered years the President and VP positions are nominated and elected and during even numbered years the Treasurer and Corporate Secretary positions are nominated and elected.

  • Jerry Gress was nominated and has agreed to stay on as Treasurer.

  • Chris observed and surveyed various members as potential candidates for election to the Secretary position. Donna Greenlee was considered and declined, and Cecile Ravenscroft agreed to be considered.

  • A nomination committee of John Tani, Bruce Henderson, and Tim Hess was convened, and Cecile Ravenscroft’s name was submitted and approved.


  • Cecile Ravenscroft was nominated to become WSC Secretary. All in favor say AYE. The ayes have it and Cecile is elected.

  • As Treasurer, Jerry Gress has been nominated to continue as WSC Treasurer. This will require that 2/3rds of the voting membership agree to waive the limit of two terms and elect Jerry as Treasurer.

  • Do I hear a motion to wave the term limits and elect Jerry as Treasurer again? It was moved and seconded. All in favor, please say aye. Jerry was re-elected unanimously. 

VI. Event Committee:     

The WSC Fall Dinner was organized by a committee of members who deserve recognition and appreciation. While we no longer have a Social Chair, the committee organized, planned, set -up, decorated, and will serve the food. Several members also made the Limoncello desert.

Jim requested a show of appreciations and there was a round of applause for:

 Alice Kaarh, Lenlee Corish, Catherin Parker, Corrine Morgan, Renee Mecheski, and     Cindy and Mike Yurewicz     

VII. Interest Group Reports   

 Archery - Mike Capps, Lead

  • Sessions began in early March and will conclude on the  29th of October. An end of season  tournament was held on the 16th of October. Seventeen folks dined and awards were presented. (See details in upcoming newsletter.)

  • There are thirty regular members, men, women, experienced, and inexperienced. The club met twenty-nine times at a six lane traditional archery range and seven times at an eight station field trail on six heavily wooded acres given to us by WPOA.

  • New this year the group met eight times on a Saturday (usual meetings are Tuesdays) primarily for people who have never done archery before and were not’ able to meet during the week.

  • John Morgan, USA Archery Level III coach, gave personalized hands-on training to over seventy-five adults and children. Triple our average. Eight of those folks have purchased their own equipment and have become regular members. John’s voluntary archery achievement program still in effect.

  • Peter Parker passed the test with USA Archery and is now a certified Level I instructor.

  • New target faces were recently installed and WPOA provided two large patio umbrellas as a gift to the group. Archery instruction is free, and they have loaner equipment for anyone’s use.

Biking - Tim Jordan, Lead

  • This year the group was able to ride along the trails. One favorite is Rockfish River Road and Lynchburg is always good, but the Capital Trail is the best.

  • The rides that did not happen were because the rain washed out roads. The Jackson River Road was difficult.

  • The rides next year will be similar. One thing we will have to do this year, since Archery is wrapping up their season and will need space in the shed we will need to move all the bikes out of the shed by the end of October.

Boating - Bill Faulkenberry, Lead

  • There were three river trips this year, on the James and the Jackson River. The Rivanna River trip did not work out. The trips are Class I and Class II rides which keeps them as easy safe rides.

  • Wintergreen allowed them to put a small bulkhead in at the far end of the lake and they have rubber mats to help you get your boat in and out of the water.

  • Adaptive sports has given kayaks and life jackets are available for those wanting to take advantage of those.

  • Next year the group is hoping to do more exploration of local lakes.

Fishing - Ron Coté, Co-lead

  • The group has $6,500 for the Fall stocking. Five thousand is committed for the trout which will be delivered in December instead of November this year. (due to unusually dry weather conditions.) By  December 1st they should have 18-20“ stock which typically gain 1-2 pounds and 2-3” with the feedings.  

  • The group spent about $200 for food and the $500 to $1,000 to try to get the Yellow Perch, which they have talked about for the last few years, for Black Walnut Pond.

  • They have introduced minnows in the last several years and are expanding the fishery and maintaining what we have all come to expect and appreciate.

  • The group also purchased water analyzing equipment. The water has been tested a few times and the oxygen level in the trout pond is within the limits of what would sustain the trout, which is between 5-6 parts per million of dissolved oxygen, and we are in the 5.5 range. The streams are in the 6-7 range, which is healthy for our native brook trout population.

  • Old Stoney Creek is a great native brook trout site and the DNR and Virginia Commonwealth test and are happy with the results. There has been some degradation due to high water levels, a result of some of the storms we have had.

  • The Trout Fishing Tournament will be held in the Spring with more details coming at the Spring Meeting.

Fly fishing – Chris Corish, Co-lead

Fall fly fishing lessons

  • Beginner class will either be the afternoon of Nov 15th or the morning of Nov 16th.

  • Non-beginner class will be on the afternoon of Nov 1st taught by Jim Hess and Al Simpson.

  • Mail Chimp notice will be out next week.


  • The final conclave of the year will be “Wine, Women, and Fly Fishing,” and will be held Friday November 15th in two parts. Part I will be at the Trout Pond for the fly fishing beginners class with Baily Dent and Donna Wasserman. Class begins at 12 noon.

  • Part II will be a wine and cheese social on the Corish’s porch with Donna Wasterman who, in addition to working at Orvis, also works for Night’s Gambit winery and will provide a wine tasting.

Note of Thanks: To our Conclave hosts, the Ravenscrofts, Greenlees, and Marty Echols and Bonnie Hudik and our fly fishing instructors John Tani, Bruce Henderson, Al Simpson, Tim Hess, and Mike Fisher.

Hiking: Wayne and Mary Lou Mortimer, Co-leads

  • The hiking group started in May and have had eight hikes thus far and two more are planned for November. Additionally, a lunch at the Tidewater Appalachian Trail club off the Blue Ridge Parkway is scheduled as well as a rescheduling of the hike at the Blue Ridge Tunnel on November 16

  • The group has had sixty different members join them. They vary mobility to appeal to all hikers. Suggestions for future hikes are welcome.


Pistol and Rifle: Jim White, Co-lead

  • There are a total of 32 participating members including 4 new members who joined for shooting.

  • Changes that were discussed in the Spring were implemented regarding the approach to various disciplines. The group has enjoyed the new system and the variety it provides.

  • The group does bullseye pistol shooting, plinking, and rifle shooting at various distances.

Shotgun: Jerry Gress, Ed Dillingham Co-leads

  • The shotgun group meets and shoots trap and skeet every Friday.

VIII. Dinner

The caterer for tonight’s dinner is Iron and Ale. The menu consists of a choice of one entrée, Chicken Marsala, or Chicken Picada. The sides are: roasted red potatoes, fresh green beans, Caesar salad and garlic bread. The Limoncello dessert was made by some of our volunteers.

Adjournment: Jim adjourned the meeting at 6:26 PM.

Submitted by Cecile Ravenscroft, WSC Secretary.