Archery 2021 Season Schedule

Our 2021 season opened on Wednesday, March 17th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm at the Jerry Rendich Archery Range at Rodes Farm. This is a change from last year, which was Tuesdays at 2 pm. We will maintain the 2 pm time until the hot weather arrives. (Update: New day and time as of June 2–Tuesdays at 9:30 am; lessons at 10:30 am by appointment.)

Starting on Sunday, April 11 the WSC archery group started it sessions every other Sunday at the field range at the end of Old Stoney Creek Road. As before, the time is 2 pm to 4 pm or so.

Coaching for newcomers is offered at Rodes Farm but is limited and requires advance confirmation by emailing us at to let us know you plan to attend.

Many thanks to the 29 respondents to the archery survey--we appreciate your enthusiasm and hope to see you on the range. (Responses were all over the place, especially on the day of the week. Tuesdays & Wednesdays got the same number of votes.)

The club has loaner equipment for all ages. Our regular archers are happy to share their knowledge about archery basics to get you started. If you join us for the first time, send us an email and just bring yourself, a smile, a mask, and a sense of humor.

For now, we will continue to observe social distancing by using every other target lane. Archers should wear masks until in position to shoot.

The best way to keep up with the WSC Archery Group is to sign up for the club’s free emails and check “archery.”